Benefits of A/B Testing in Marketing

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How easy is it to tap into the amazing benefits of A/B testing in marketing?

5 min read

How do you know if your marketing campaigns are working? Or, how many times have you tried to boost your conversion rate, but failed?

If visitors are not converting to your website, then there is a problem. Something is stopping them.

Maybe you need a new web page design. Perhaps you should change the color or the graphics.

These ideas don’t mean much without proof. In other words, the question still remains: how do you know that the new designs will convert more visitors compared to the previous design?

This is where the benefits of A/B testing come into action.

There’s a great joke in the marketing world that A/B testing actually stands for ‘Always Be Testing.’

A/B testing shows you if your marketing campaigns are working, and where you can change to improve effectiveness.

But, what is A/B testing and what are its benefits?

What Is A/B Testing?

According to HubSpot,

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a marketing experiment wherein you “split” your audience to test several variations of a campaign and determine which performs better. You can show version A of a piece of marketing content to one half of your audience, and version B to another.

In simple words, A/B testing is the method of testing two versions of a web page, landing page, email, or any other marketing assets with just one unique part.

For example, if you’re A/B testing a title, you would generate two versions of the same page with just the title changed.

And, once you prepare your variations, you present each version to half of your audience. The test will show you which version proved successful among your audience based on particular metrics, such as conversion rate or time spent on the page.

Here’s a video explaining the benefits of A/B testing.



7 Big Benefits of A/B Testing
#1 Diminishes Bounce Rates

When you invest a lot of your time and energy in designing pages for your website, it can be disheartening when visitors just bounce from your website without spending any time reading your content or observing other pages.

There can be several reasons for your website’s high bounce rate such as lots of choices, expectations mismatches, and so on. If this is happening to you, it’s time to consider optimization through A/B testing.

Whether it is adjusting fonts, titles or anything else on your pages, the direct comparison performed with A/B testing will help you identify the best combination of elements. It identifies the combination of elements that helps you to keep visitors on website or app longer. Read more about Top 6 Website Engagement Ideas to Create Great Visitor Experiences.

And, the longer time visitors spend on site, the likelier they’ll see the value of the content, eventually leading to a conversion.

Here’s a great video by Neil Patel explaining ways to decrease your bounce rate.

#2 Generates Marketing Strategies

Performing A/B tests enable you to generate marketing plans for your website. By redesigning problem areas, you can reach a broader audience and increase their stay on your website. For this, review and analyze the results of the A/B tests carried out.

This way, you can focus your energies on boosting the traffic and the conversion rate of your website. Both are the leading indicators that define the success of a web page.

It is also a great idea to set targets as the percentage you wish to develop your traffic after the A/B tests. This will let you stay focused on improving a particular area of your site for every test you do.

#3 Reduces Risks

In some situations, changing your website can cause substantial losses or notable strategy changes. A/B testing can help you analyze visitor and customer behavior on your website before investing in major decisions.

In short, A/B testing helps you avoid unwanted risks by enabling you to target your resources for maximum results and efficiency. Ultimately, marketing works better which helps increase ROI, short-term conversions, long-term consumer commitment, and other relevant metrics.

NOTE: External factors can impact the results of your test. Be sure to factor in holidays or any other events which can affect customer behavior when planning your campaigns and tests.

#4 Highlights the Importance of Certain Design Decisions

Performing A/B tests let you identify problem areas on your website and test with different design options.

If you want to examine your website in-depth, you can begin by reviewing the following parts of your site.


  • Navigation menu
  • Buttons
  • Sidebars
  • Footer
  • Forms


  • Headlines
  • Subtitles
  • Descriptions
  • Messaging on CTA buttons

  • Images
  • Colors
  • Videos
  • Logos

When developing a website, you should not only consider the visual personality of the brand but also the choices of the users for whom the website is developed.

Begin by analyzing the information on your site’s performance. The best way to identify problem areas and perform A/B tests is to confirm which option your users like best.

#5 Increases Conversion Rates

A/B testing is the simplest and most efficient technique for generating content that converts. When you take time to thoroughly craft two versions of your campaign, it’s comparatively easy to understand what works and what doesn’t.

A/B testing two versions takes a lot of time and effort, but when done properly it will certainly help you convert more leads.

#6 Ease of Analysis

One of the greatest benefits of A/B testing is that it is very easy to analyze genuine, accurate results. It makes it simple to find wins from losses based on simple, reliable metrics (i.e. time spent on the page, the number of conversions, and page views.)

Testing can also help you closely monitor visitor behavior on your website. The goal is to boost your return on investment for both short-term and long-term conversions.

Here’s a simple example: You design 2 business cards with a separate marketing plan and give 2 different phone numbers. The contact number that receives the maximum calls is definitely a winning card.

#7 Multi-Functional

It’s difficult to understand what your site visitors prefer when they visit your website. A/B testing is one of the best ways to confirm what your visitors like.

Many think A/B testing applies only to forms, images, and CTAs. Actually, you can A/B test any marketing and promotion campaigns online and offline.

Marketers often test PPC ads to see what works the best. And, in such situations, the solution to solve the PPC blind spot is call tracking. If you need phone call attribution, testing abilities, marketing visibility, and increased revenue — you must use PPC call tracking.

Read more about 4 Reasons Marketing Must Use PPC Call Tracking.

Sometimes, it’s the tiniest change that makes the most difference in determining a combination that captivates readers and converts visitors.

Benefits of A/B Testing: Wrap Up

Understanding precisely how to get your target audience involved in your online marketing actions can be a laborious task. A/B testing helps build a track record of information that will help you discover exactly what content will get and keep your audience captivated.

Remember that there are many considerations that you should consider while performing A/B tests. Make sure you do everything workable to promote your online presence.

What benefits of A/B testing have you seen when promoting your business? Can you think of any other benefits of A/B testing? Please share your experience in the comments section below.

Happy Marketing!

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