How to Ask for Reviews in 2023

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Our hyper-speed world keeps us on our toes. What worked last year, and maybe even last quarter, may not produce results now. If you are asking yourself How to Ask for Reviews, this article is for you.

Would you go to a stranger for a root canal? Would you take your car to an unknown body shop? Probably not. How often do you filter your Amazon purchases for 4-stars and above? (Almost every day.)

Reviews help us know where to have medical treatments. We know who is best person or company is to work on our homes and cars. And we find the best products to buy. We crave validation and input before we do almost anything. We need to know companies are reliable. Do they charge a decent rate for their services and products? Will they treat you with respect?

A few years ago, you might have found this information by discussing it with your neighbor by your mailboxes. However, today, online reviews have replaced that informal recommendation process.

Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room. – Jeff Bezos

Online reviews can do miracles for your business. They foster credibility, build your reputation, and prove that you’re as excellent as you say you are. Who doesn’t want that?

Customer Profile for Online Reviews

So how do you ask for reviews? The best and most natural way to generate online reviews is by asking your customers to write reviews. Seems pretty obvious, doesn’t it?

68% of consumers will leave a review if asked.

However, before start requesting customer feedback, we should review the art of asking for customer reviews. This post will go over a few simple tips that will convince your customers to write online reviews for your products and services.

How to Ask for Reviews
#1 Ask for Reviews Through Email

Let’s begin with an easy way companies ask for a review from the customer–email. Requesting a review through email is one of the simplest and most effective techniques to generate new reviews.

Also, email requests for reviews allow you to gauge customer loyalty and satisfaction levels. Clients self-select themselves as people who are likely to recommend your business to others or those who are not. If a client does not recommend your company, this can be a mini warning sign. Maybe they aren’t satisfied, or perhaps something went wrong.

The downside of asking for reviews through email is that it can be a bit difficult. You want people to open your email when you’re asking for a review. Make sure you have a way to verify email receipt and a way to monitor your open rate.

Not sure what to write in your review request emails? Here are a few subject lines and message ideas that will help you know how to ask for reviews and create your own templates.

Subject Line Examples:

  1. How did we do?
  2. We’d love to hear your feedback
  3. Got a minute to share your experience with (Business Name)?
  4. Will you take a quick minute to give us a review?

Here is an example of an email message. Please feel free to use it.

Message Sample

“Hi (First Name of Client)!
Thank you again for choosing (Company Name). It’s our priority to provide excellent service to you.
Would you do us a favor? We would love your review on (Facebook, Google Business, Capterra, etc.). It only takes a minute and is super valuable.
Thank you so much!”

NOTE: make sure it’s super easy to write a review by providing the URL link to your review site.

#2 Use Your Thank You Page

While emails are a common and successful way to get customer reviews, companies can also use thank you pages to generate reviews. It is a best practice to thank people after they engage with your company. So include a note or a box with a review request within the email you send thanking your customers.

Thank you emails are a natural place to ask your customers about their experience. Plus, it’s timely. Since they’ve already showed they like you by making a purchase, thank you pages are the perfect place to ask for feedback. Invite customers to leave a comment about how you’re performing and any areas where you might improve. We love high-scoring reviews, but we also need to uncover any less than stellar experiences.

Just like with your email, be sure to add a link to the review platform and make sure the procedure won’t take much of your customer’s time.

Here is an excellent example of asking for feedback on a thank you page. It’s clear what Apple is requesting. “Let us know how to make your shopping experience better.” They invite feedback positively and convey that they want feedback to make it better for you. It is consumer-centric.

Apple Store Order Receipt
#3 Request in Person

Hands down, the most powerful way to request and get feedback is in person. The person-to-person request is hugely influential, especially if the requester has spent time with the client.

Let’s take a furniture shop as an example. A sales associate may spend an hour or more helping customers choose and customize the right sofa for their house. They get to know each other during their interaction, discuss where they’re from, their families, and so on. A small bond develops.

After the purchase, there is no better person to ask for a review than this sales associate. The associate can express how a review benefits other customers who are researching them and provides a glimpse into the business.

#4 Give Incentives for Writing Reviews

Giving incentives is one technique that can work very well. It gives your customers extra motivation to leave a review. However, you are not bribing clients to give good reviews. You’re just giving them an incentive to leave a review. You hope that they will leave a positive review, but don’t mention that when you’re giving them an incentive.

For example, Snapdeal doesn’t tell the customer that they should leave a positive review. Instead, it just says that if you review your purchase, you get a chance to win Snapdeal cash.

Snapdeal Product Purchase Review

If you observe closely, the image states, “Love it, like it, or hate it?”

Your customers have a range of choices. They won’t feel forced to leave a positive review. And this will increase the customer experience. Sometimes giving options, subconsciously makes your customers more satisfied, which may lead to a better review.

A satisfied customer is the best business strategy ~ Michael LeBoeuf

#5 Print Review Requests on Receipts

Do you have a store or do you ship your product to customers? You can add a line at the bottom of bills, invoices and other documents that thank your client for their service. And then you can ask for a quick review to see how you’re performing.

Also, include a QR code that customers can scan with their smartphones to go straight to the review web page. You can also send them to a specific website section that includes your latest feedbacks and client testimonials, along with links to your most popular review platforms.

Here’s an example.

Mother Care Customer Receipt for Review

Don’t forget — always say thank you. These words are magical. Two simple words can go a long way.

Thank your clients directly on every platform where people are giving you feedback. Thanking your reviewers can also improve your SEO. You can add keywords that prospective customers may search.

For example, “Hey Michael, thank you so much for your review. We aim to be the best (a type of business) in (name of your city).”

When you thank your reviewers, they feel good. They know their suggestions are heard and are essential. Eventually, it can build a more personal relationship between you and the customer.

“Going above and beyond involves making customers “feel special” and helping them out even when it may not make sense.

Start Asking Your Customers for Reviews Today

No matter your industry, getting regular reviews can grow your business and reputation. Knowing how to ask for reviews isn’t as difficult as you think. You just need to make it a priority and develop a strategy that works best for your brand.

The best way to ensure excellent reviews is to deliver excellent customer experiences. Read more about How to Provide Excellent Customer Service.

When you concentrate on providing what consumers want and need, the 5-star reviews will come even without even asking.

Are there any other ways you’ve learned how to ask for reviews? Let us know in the comments section below.

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